#1: Twister
Ok, so I have a terrible fear of tornadoes, but that doesn't stop me from being RIVETED by this movie every time it is on TBS or every time I pop it into my DVD player. I can't explain why I love this movie but I adore it. A few reasons most likely include: 1) Helen Hunt somehow makes meteorology both badass and sexy. 2) The supporting cast is ah-mazing. Um hello, Phillip Seymour Hoffman, Cary Ewles, Cameron from Ferris Beuller? Delightful. 3) It's an action movie but it's not graphic, which I very much enjoy. I've never been a horror or gore type girl, but I do love a good thrilling action sequence, like Bill Paxton and Helen Hunt strapping themselves to pipes and literally getting sucked halfway into the eye of a giant tornado. I'm sorry, but if you're not staring at the television with mouth agape as you watch that scene then you're probably dead inside. Just kidding, but your taste in action sequences is suspect at the very least.
#2: A Knight's Tale
3 words: Heath Ledger's Hair (except in the first 15 minutes). God I miss him. Don't get me wrong, I love lots of his other movies, but this movie to me is my favorite version of Heath. In this movie his character is impulsive and cocky and my favorite part is that he is such a boy. He puts his foot in his mouth with the girl he loves and has to win her back and oh yeah, he has to win all these jousts and pretend to be a knight all while classic rock songs play. I'm sorry but I don't even feel guilty about this guilty pleasure because it's AWESOME. Win. (Please note that I did not say winning, because he-who-must-not-be-named, Emilio Estevez' brother, is not to be encouraged.)
#3: Empire Records
"Well Sinead O'Rebellion, shock me shock me shock me with that deviant behavior." So that's one of my favorite quotes from this movie, which I think I have seen more than any other movie in the world. Truly. I know it by heart and I wish every day was Rex Manning Day. It's the story of a varied bunch of kids working in a record store that is on the brink of being sold to MusicTown, a Sam Goody-esque music chain. As time goes on and record stores are a thing of the past, I love this movie even more. It also made me always want to have a vinyl collection which my husband and I have started, so thanks Eddie, for teaching me that a record is like a life. Watch this movie, it will make you wish you worked there.
#4: Never Been Kissed
Don't get me wrong, this whole movie is great, but when I'm down, all I need is the last scene of this movie. Every single solitary time I see Josie standing on that pitcher's mound and the clock runs down to zero and then the opening strains of The Beach Boys' "Don't Worry Baby" start to play, my heart starts to do a little pitter pat. Then, (SPOILER ALERT) Michael Vartan jogs oh-so-casually down the stairs of the stadium wearing a sweet v-neck sweater and runs right to her and lays one on her. I may be alone on this, because this is a movie that specializes in cheese-fabulous, but I think it's one of the best movie kisses of all time, maybe THE best. Ugh. I'm playing "Don't Worry Baby" right now.
#5: Blue Crush

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