Thursday, October 20, 2011

Ten Fun Things About Fall (Part 2)

Hello fellow adorers of autumnal awesomeness (and alliteration!), here is part 2 of my list of things I love about my favorite season:

6) Fall Holidays (specifically Halloween and Thanksgiving, but I'm down with Columbus Day too!)
This makes me happy to no end.
Fall contains my 2 FAVORITE holidays!! First, Halloween. It's a holiday dedicated to candy and dressing up. I mean for reals, if that's not reason enough to make fall the best season, I don't know what is. I've had some pretty killer costumes throughout the years, ranging from the supremely girly (I was a bride at age 5, it totally freaked out my kindergarten boyfriend.) to the supremely awesome (I was Kim Kardashian last year complete with really dark eyebrows and fake derriere.). And I eat so much candy during Halloween time that 4 out of 5 dentists agree I might end up with dentures by age 30.
Next, Thanksgiving. I love cooking and I love eating. Thanksgiving is a day where the entire day revolves around FOOD. I get so excited for the impending feast that I purposely fast a little bit in the day or two leading up to it, just so I can cram that much more food into my face and not feel guilty about it on the big day. I mean my version of fasting of course, which is basically cutting out snacks and candy, let's not get crazy people. Plus Thanksgiving means being with family, which I happen to really enjoy and taking naps in full public view with no shame whatsoever. I'm getting so excited just thinking about it, I'm bouncing in my chair.

7) Back to school clothes
This is a little Old Navy back to school set I created on Polyvore and even though I'm no longer in school, I still LOVE getting back to school clothes. There's so many fun accessories that come along with fall like scarves and boots and hats and as many coats as I can get my hands on. Plus, fall gives you a whole new color palette to play with, especially jewel tones, which make me feel like a princess when I wear them. All the stores and designers really step it up for their wearable fall pieces too, almost like they know everyone is shopping for that perfect first day of school outfit. I'm rocking the crap out of some fall clothes this year, even if it's just for a trip to the grocery store!

8) Soups
Chicken tortilla to butternut squash, potato leek to turkey chili, I love me some soup. It's one of the easiest things in the world to cook, there are endless possibilities for creativity and it's just the coziest food around. However, it's too hot to cook in summer unless you're doing a chilled gazpacho (which I did many times this summer because soup is that good), but soup really hits its stride when the leaves start to change. There is nothing more homey than coming into your kitchen and smelling a gently simmering pot of tasty. Also, when the inevitable fall cold hits you, chicken soup is seriously the only cure that really works. When I throw onions, celery, carrot and sprigs of time into some oil, the smell instantly makes me start feeling better. Try it and I dare you not to have a bajillion sensory memories and warm fuzzies. SOUP. It's what's for dinner. At least at my house.

9) New TV
My favorite new TV shows this fall. I know Happy Endings isn't technically new, but it is to me and I love it.
Since I am a TV junkie, the new television that begins each fall is like Christmas. I get addicted to new shows, I finally satiate my thirst for old favorites and I watch with a slightly evil delight when the shows I predicted were sucky get cancelled (Playboy Club, I'm talkin' to you.) The only downside to the barrage of all this new found entertainment is a very scary epidemic called DVR overload. If I am not diligent in the watching of my stories, my DVR gets too full and starts deleting precious episodes. That's why it's important to prioritize people. Give these new TV treats a shot, but if you're not captivated, let it go, there's only so many hours in the day and in your DVR's memory capacity. That said, I welcome you to check out the shows listed above. They are hilarious (New Girl and Happy Endings), addictive (Revenge) and creative (all 3). In fact, I'm itching to get home to watch last night's Revenge episode as we speak. What is that devious Emily Thorne up to this week?!

10) Fall Weather (especially in the Midwest)

KITE FLYING. Enough said.
Fall weather is the best. It's crisp but not cold. It requires the wearing of all those awesome back to school coats and sweaters but does not require you to bundle like the little brother in A Christmas Story. Also, it always includes some awesome breezes, good enough for kite flying. The Midwest has the best fall weather ever. (New England is probably up there too.) D.C. isn't bad, but it's definitely rainier than back home, which is quite a downer, even if you have a cute umbrella and galoshes. Fall in the Midwest? Well, it's different. It's the type of weather you want to play tag in. It's the type of weather when carrying a warm beverage is pleasant, not sweaty. It's the type of weather where the air smells like leaves, bonfire and something sweet. I love the fall. I'll never get sick of it and my only wish was that it lasted longer.

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