I have been SO remiss. Thank god I'm an avid reader of
Hello Giggles and I came upon this lovely piece:
A Note on Melissa Mccarthy by Sarah Heyward (who, by the way, writes hilarious and wonderful things on Hello Giggles, so you should probably read all of her stuff.). What Ms. Heyward's article reminded me is that in my recent
All Time Favorites: Gilmore Girls post I COMPLETELY neglected one of my favorite parts of the show: Sookie St. James, played by the amazing Melissa McCarthy, who is oh-so-hot right now.
She always wore the cutest little kerchiefs! |
This was partly because I was focused more on my lessons from Gilmore Girls and in my description of the show, more focused on the most central plot points, but I was still a total loserface for not including her at all, because she is a gem. She is a wonderful friend to Lorelai, another great role model for Rory and she provides such awesome comic relief that she will make you laugh every episode, even the more drama-heavy ones. She honestly has great chemistry with everyone on the show. Also, the love story between her and Jackson Belleville, the local produce farmer, was honestly such a sweet and amusing story. You get to watch this great couple go through all the traditional relationship stages from first date to children in often non-traditional and uproariously funny ways.
Look at these two lovebirds, making goo goo eyes at each other over produce. Totes presh. |
So anyway, I'm sorry Gilmore fans and Melissa McCarthy lovers. I totally blew it. Read Sarah Heyward's piece in Hello Giggles for even more, and likely more cleverly put, reasons to love Sookie St. James, one of TV's best BFFs ever.
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