Sunday, July 31, 2011

In Appreciation of Girlfriends

So I'm not comparing myself to Carrie Bradshaw in anything other than the fact that she had amazing girlfriends and so do I. By amazing I mean fun, loyal, honest, hilarious and unconditionally loving. What I envy Miss Bradshaw is that her closest friends are in the same city as she is, while my besties are scattered around the country. I've acquired a few amazing girls to hang with in D.C. and that has been great, but there is no one like my college roommates. Maybe it's because we lived together; maybe it's because by virtue of them being in college with me they saw me at both my very worst and best; maybe it's that we just hit the jackpot with each other. Whatever the cause, my college roommates are the girls I call when anything big happens in my life; they are the people I worry about the most outside of my husband and family; they are the girls I asked to stand with me as I married my husband; and they are the people with whom I still have the best conversations.

Like the ladies of Sex and the City (who we spent hours watching in our college living room together), the six of us couldn't be more different but we somehow just fit. The 6 of us together represent pretty much every personality trait, physical attribute and opinion under the sun and I wouldn't have it any other way.

Why am I reflecting on this you may ask? Well it's because I started watching Season 6 of Sex and the City and every time I see those four fabulous ladies, I ache for my girlfriends. Even though it's a television show, I think Carrie, Samantha, Miranda and Charlotte are role models for us women as a group of friends because no matter what goes on in their lives, their friendships are constants and they always make time for each other. That's been the case for us 6 so far, and I think we will continue our tradition of girl weekends, email updates and long phone catch-up sessions. No matter what happens, we will always be the 6 of us in a little part of our hearts and to quote SATC's heroine, "well, that's just fabulous."

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