Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Writer's Block

I haven't posted in quite awhile because really and truly, I'm having trouble coming up with post ideas lately. That's not true, I have plenty of ideas but I don't like any of them. It's like that feeling where you know you're craving something to eat but you can't figure out what it is and everything that's suggested to you sounds like doo doo. That's how I feel about my post ideas right now. So I've heard that the best way to cure the dreaded writer's block is just to make yourself write and eventually you'll get past it. Hence this stream-of-consciousness I'm treating you fine people to right now. You're welcome.

I think one potential solution to my problem is that I need to start carrying around a notebook or something when I'm out and about. Because I think of things at the weirdest times, like when I'm in the grocery store (seriously, why do parents let their children run around like animals in the dairy aisle when ALL I want is to pick out 3 Greek yogurts without worrying about stepping on their arm because they are LAYING on the grocery store floor?) or when I'm driving (Is there a reason that American drivers have become anti-turn signal? Because I'm borderline obsessed with mine. I use mine when I'm making a turn in a right-angled driveway.) So that's kind of my problem. I have these beginnings of ideas that if I wrote them down and really remembered all the witty and creative thoughts I had about them in that moment I would totally have a hilarious and thought-provoking post out of it. Or I could see some relationship between a couple of random musings and poof! a post pops out.

Ok, no joke, this really worked. I just thought of, for real, 4 new posts. So stay tuned. Because I'm pretty sure they'll be WAY more awesome than this one. Thanks Internet, you really helped me over this hump. And here's my parting gift to you:

BAM! You're welcome. For reals this time.

1 comment:

  1. I don't use turn signals and don't believe in them in most situations.
