Saturday, September 24, 2011

All-Time Favorites: Fleetwood Mac's Rumours

I think I'm going to start a series of posts of my all-time favorites in which I will pay special tribute to the movies, albums and books that have will always have my heart no matter what my fickle heart is obsessing over in the ever-changing winds of pop culture.

For today's All-Time Favorite, I have chosen an album: Rumours by Fleetwood Mac. I realize this may be a cliche choice particularly because Glee just did an episode devoted to the whole album, but I assure you, I have been a Fleetwood Mac fan for a long time. I had a musically hip mom and she exposed me to a wide range of awesome music from the womb. I mean there weren't many 8 year olds singing Evenflow by Pearl Jam on the way home from second grade, but I was one of them. I don't want to sound pompous because I'm not a music snob at all. I mean come on, I've written about Selena Gomez like 3 times. However, I also truly truly love Fleetwood Mac. When I say Fleetwood Mac, I'm referring to the line-up that made the band name truly famous: Stevie Nicks, Lindsay Buckingham, Christine McVie, John McVie and Mick Fleetwood. In albums this takes you from Fleetwood Mac (1975 album) to Tango in the Night (1987).

I love Rumours the most for a few reasons. First, my very favorite FM song is "Dreams" which is on this album. The presence of that song alone is almost enough of a reason for me. Stevie Nicks is singer/songwriter perfection on this song and it's an ideal example of why she is AH-mazing. If that song isn't enough, the album also has "Don't Stop," which I bet will make you feel better no matter how sad you might be; "Go Your Own Way," one of the best break-up songs ever made; "Songbird," that song from Love Actually, yeah, it's a Fleetwood Mac original and it's gorgeous; and "The Chain" which is just a rad song, and it basically tells the story of all the craziness going on behind the scenes when this album was being made (see below). Ok truthfully EVERY song is good, but those are the best.

Second, the backstory behind this album is remarkable. While this album was being made, Lindsay Buckingham and Stevie Nicks were ending their long-term relationship and John and Christine McVie were ending their MARRIAGE. Maybe it's all that angst that produced such incredible music but I cannot even imagine being mid-break-up and have to go to the recording studio and sing about heartbreak while my ex provided backing vocals. To be a fly on the wall of that recording studio, although probably not, because a fly on the wall would probably get killed by a glass being thrown or something. I mean musician exes working in a tiny room together? There had to be some flying glassware at some point.

Third, and probably least important, I love the album artwork for this record (pictured above). It's Mick Fleetwood who is freakishly tall and Stevie Nicks in all her flowing-dress, ballet-slippered glory. Have you noticed I kind of love Stevie Nicks? I just feel like she made boho-chic beautiful and trendy way before Sienna Miller or that Olsen twin, not to mention, she's f-ing crazy talented. Anyway, everything about this cover is cool, from their Hippie-meets-Medieval costuming to his jaunty ponytail to the font used for the title. Plus the black and white image against a plain cream background? One word. COOL. I'm sorry, it's just the best word for them, end of story.
I mean really?! I want to be her. Not so much the personal life, but the musical talent and style? Yes, please.
So here's what I'm saying to you. If you haven't heard Rumours, then listen to it on Spotify. Then after you've done that, buy the album, because you need to listen to it more than just off of your computer. Preferably on vinyl, which I don't even have, but is very much on my wishlist. Then listen to every song and memorize all the words and appreciate beautiful music made in the midst of complete and total personal madness. God, they're awesome.

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