Wednesday, August 17, 2011

I love Jillian Michaels

Let me start by saying that, for the most part, I do not enjoy exercising. I'm not one of those people who is addicted to the gym or who goes running because "it relaxes me." (That's a concept I will never understand.) I work out because I love food and eating and I don't feel like being 400 lbs. In order to keep up a workout regimen, I need two things: variety and motivation. Jillian Michaels work outs give me both. I started with the 30 Day Shred and I'm not kidding you, there is not a more effective 30 minute program out there.

I am now the proud owner of 3 more Jillian Michaels DVDs: Ripped in 30, Burn Fat Boost Metabolism and No More Trouble Zones. The 30 Day Shred and Ripped in 30 are similar in that both DVDs contain multiple 30 minute workouts made up of strength, cardio and ab moves. Burn Fat Boost Metabolism and No More Trouble Zones are 50 minute workouts of circuit training with a wide variety of exercises including strength, calisthenics, kickboxing and ab exercises.

Ok, let me tell you why I like these. First, no move lasts longer than a minute. As a sufferer of exercise ADD, this is ideal for me because even I can keep myself motivated for 1 minute. Second, there is always some sort of punching involved at some point in the workout, which is a great way to get stress out and I feel like a badass. Third, and perhaps most important, THESE WORK. Quickly. I noticed results within a week of doing these semi-regularly, now I'm at a point where I can actually see my abs. Like, 4-pack abs! I know you're thinking, wait, that's not a 6-pack, but Jillian's not Jesus, ok? I still have a little more to do before I can count 6 little ab-y sections when I flex. Maybe I should buy Jillian's Six Week Six Pack next?

So I assure you I don't do these kind of promotional spiels often, but my love for Jillian and her workouts runs deep. Trust me, coming from this lazy bum, that's saying something.

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