Wednesday, August 10, 2011

What I'm Watching Wednesdays

I love television. I promise I try not to watch too too much and if there's nothing on that I'm feeling, I do have the willpower to turn it off and pick up a book or go outside. That said, there are some shows that I just can't help but get hooked on. And so What I'm Watching Wednesdays is born. 

White Collar is a USA original series and I assure you that it will not be the last USA show I mention on this blog. Some may call these shows "formulaic" but isn't that the case for lots of television? If the characters and plot are good, it's fine if the episodes follow a pattern. White Collar is awesome. It's about a conman who cuts a deal after he's caught and pays back his debt to society working as a consulting in the FBI's White Collar Crimes unit. Matt Bomer plays this charming conman, Neal Caffrey, and he is witty and impeccably dressed and super handsome. He's the best reason for watching this show but I'll give you one more: Tiffani Thiessen, aka Kelly Kapowski, is in this and she's ADORABLE, in an upbeat, perky, but grown up Kelly kind of way.

I am SO excited this show got nominated for an Emmy, because if it hadn't been, I would not have heard of it, found it on Netflix Instant and watched the first season in its entirety this weekend. It's a phenomenal series focusing on an English estate and all the drama with both the aristocratic family upstairs and the servants quarters downstairs. If you've ever seen Gosford Park, this is a similar idea, but I think even better. Any Jane Austen, Henry James or Bronte fan will really enjoy this. The only thing not enjoyable is that it will not return until January of 2012 and I hate waiting to find out what's next!

I used to plan my wedding in my head, even before I was engaged and now I plan my house in my head, probably long before Danny and I can buy one. House Hunters is the ideal source for feeding my imagination. The show focuses usually on a couple who is looking to buy a home. They get to look at 3 options in their price range, trying to include as many items on their wish list as possible. It's absurdly addictive and as Danny and I could be potentially moving in 10 months, it's fun to see what's available in some of the cities we could be moving to. If buying a home could be in your future, try an episode, you really can't watch just one.

I know. This show is trash. It's partially responsible for the demise of American intelligence levels. I CAN'T HELP MYSELF. Seriously, if a marathon is on MTV, even if I've seen the episodes, it takes all of my willpower to change the channel and sometimes even that fails me. I am utterly captivated by the misadventures of these ridiculous people. The fact that fame has completely gone to their heads just make them that much more hilarious to watch. This season they're in Florence, and I can't wait to see what new meaning they bring to the term "Ugly American."

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