Friday, August 5, 2011

True Confessions

You might find yourself horrified by the following information, but let me tell you that I'm making steps to correct some of these egregious errors in my development thus far.

1) I've never read the Anne of Green Gables books. And I OWN them. With the odes to Anne all over the internet lately, I actually started reading the first book and let me tell you, I can already tell that Anne and I are going to be friends. Girl knows what's up. I don't know why I never read these as a child. I mean, I loved reading and devoured a lot of the girl childhood classics: Little House on the Prairie, Nancy Drew, Babysitters Club, etc. I know I tried reading the first Anne book once and I guess I was itching to help Nancy solve another mystery or something because I never got into it. Now though, as a 27 year old woman, Anne is speaking to me, so maybe it just wasn't the time.

2) I'm a lawyer but I've never seen an episode of Law and Order. Not the original, not SVU or CI or ABC or whatever the other letters-spinoffs are. This one I'm actually quite proud of and I'm not sure why. Everyone I tell this factoid to is dumbfounded. Partly because I'm a lawyer and partly because there are at least 3 episodes of Law and Order:Something on at every single minute of every single day. Somehow I've managed to avoid them and I'm going to soldier on with that, despite the reactions of disgust and shock I will continue to receive.

3) I think the original Godfather is better than Godfather Part II AND I did not see either movie until just last year. I saw them right before I got married a little over a year ago because my husband couldn't be married to someone who had not seen the Godfathers (of course part III doesn't count). Somehow, after I watched and enjoyed both movies, I still managed to horrify my then-fiance as the credits rolled on Part II by saying "Well, that was good, but the first one was WAY better." Apparently it's some universally acknowledged truth that Part II is even better than the original because of DENIRO, the god of Italian-American actors. Honestly, I felt kind of meh about his part in Part II and (Spoiler Alert!) I HATED that Fredo got killed. HATED. I don't care if he broke Michael's heart, killing Fredo is like shooting a puppy. Sonny in Part I? I got that, he was a hot mess. But Fredo? Not cool, Coppola. Not cool. The original Godfather also has Marlon Brando, who I've been enamored with in everything I've seen him in, starting with Guys and Dolls. Plus, Pacino is smokin' hot in Part I, especially the beginning, so another point in its column. The more I think about it, the more convinced I am that I is better than II. Sorry Danny, you're not changing my mind on this one.

See what I mean? Sizzle.

I will be continuing to do the occasional True Confessions post here and there, because I feel like it's good that you all get an accurate picture of the person whose blog you're reading. Hopefully none of them are deal breakers, but if they are, whatevs, I don't like you anyways. (I often revert to grade school maturity levels as well, one more thing to know.)

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